
What is a mobility fee?

A Mobility Fee is a one-time fee paid by new development and redevelopment to mitigate its; transportation impact which results in additional person travel demand. Mobility Fees are intended to replace the City’s current road impact fees.


Any new residential or non-residential development. Mobility Fees are not a tax and they are not charged to existing homes, businesses or property; unless there is an addition, change of use, expansion, modification, or redevelopment that generates some additional person travel demand (impact) above the existing use of the land. Florida Statute exempts governmental uses, and public and charter schools from paying mobility fees.

Mobility Fees are calculated based on the cost and person capacity of the the multimodal projects adopted as part of the City’s Mobility Plan. Mobility Fees are one funding source available to the City to fund the multimodal projects adopted in the Mobility Plan.

The multimodal projects to be identified in the City’s Mobility Plan can be funded through a variety of sources. Federal and State earmarks, funds, grants, and programs through the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) are some of the primary sources for funding. The gas and infrastructure sales taxes collected by Palm Beach County are another funding source available to fund Mobility Plan projects.

The City could also consider use of special assessments, the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) funds, property taxes, and tourist development taxes to help fund Mobility Plan projects. Services and programs such as micromobility share programs services may also charge user fees to pay for the programs and services. The identification of multimodal projects as part of a Mobility Plan provides the City with the means to proactively pursue appropriations and additional funding opportunities that frequently become available for a variety of reasons to promote economic development or economic stimulus programs and grants.