
Walk or Roll to School

An annual celebration, promoting walking or biking among school-age children, is rolling into neighborhoods everywhere. October 12, 2022 will mark National Walk and Roll to School Day, an annual observance that promotes safer routes for active trips to school and encourages children to be more active.

There are many benefits to a child, as well as their parents and guardians, who walk or ride their bikes to school. Benefits include the following:

• More activity. Children who walk or ride their bikes to school are reported to have higher activity levels throughout the day.
• Social time!
• Children who walk to school are reported to have higher academic performance.
• Skip the traffic.
• Save money.
• Don’t worry about parking.
• Lower carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.
• Establish healthy habits to last a lifetime!

At DDEC, we believe cities and schools can work together to make walking and biking to school even safer for children and their families. Closing or limiting motor vehicle access on streets adjacent to school has proven to be an effective tactic that promotes safety. New or safer crosswalks, speed reductions on nearby streets, and sidewalk installation requirements for new developments are other examples.

This International Walk and Roll to School Day, consider showing your support. Join your child on foot or by bike. Our small steps now can collectively become the giant leap for all school-age children and the collective dream of a safer commute for them. Together, we can make a difference.